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Tarangire, Ngorongoro Crater And Lake Manyara Tour

3 Days / 2 Nights (Tour Code: PC-103)
Arusha-Lake Manyara National Park-Ngorongoro Crater-Tarangire National Park-Arusha
This budget camping safari offers you the chance to watch a wide variety of wildlife amongst some of the most varied landscapes. Not only will you see parts of the Tarangire NP and Lake Manyara NP but also the world-famous Ngorongoro Crater.

Day 1: Arusha

Leave Moshi or Arusha at 07.00 am, drive for about 2-3 hours to Lake Manyara National Park, famous for its green scenery, varied bird life, tree-climbing lions, hippos and baboonsLuch will be sarved in the park at the picnic site then afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight will take place on top of the Great Rift Valley, overlooking Lake Manyara.

Day 2: Lake Manyara National Park

A full day in the Ngorongoro Crater. There is a very high possibility of spotting the big 5 in one day: lion, rhino, elephant, buffalo and leopard. Lunch will take place at the picnic site at the crater floor. Dinner and overnight at the rim of Ngorongoro Crater with an excellent view of the crater floor! Please note that Simba Camp is the only common campsite in the area, and that the facilities are sometimes difficult.Dinner and overnight at the campsite.

Day 3: Lake Manyara National Park

An early breakfast and transfer to Tarangire National Park. This park is often referred to as the "home of elephants", you have a great chance to spot elephants in large groups gathering around the Tarangire River. Other animals to be spotted include leopards, lions, giraffes and even tree-climbing pythons! Game drive until late afternoon,luch will be served inside the park, then drive to Arusha or moshi.End

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