Description: Quite close to the Station Road, Kwality Inns Ranchi is one of the ideal destinations for the tourists. Considered to be one of the three star hotels in Ranchi this offers the best of comfort and services. Around 3 kms away from the airport, Kwality Inns is one of the hotels in Ranchi that is the ideal destination to relax and unwind. Accommodation facilities in Kwality Inns Ranchi Kwality Inns Ranchi in Jharkhand India offers 36 well appointed rooms. From the best of comfort and luxury to the well equipped facilities, the Kwality Inns Ranchi is truly the perfect comfort hub. Refresh yourself after a hectic schedule in the cozy comfort zones of this hotel in Ranchi. The rooms are centrally air-conditioned. Dining facilities in Kwality Inns Ranchi Taste the best of multicuisine delicacies in the Kwality Inns Ranchi. Indian, Continental Chinese are all available in this hotel in Ranchi. The tourists can surely look forward to pampering their taste buds in the Kwality Inn Ranchi. Business facilities in Kwality Inns Ranchi Corporate travelers can avail a host of facilities in the Kwality Inns in Ranchi. From the exclusive business facilities to the best of banquet spaces, Kwality Inns Ranchi in Jharkhand India is truly the ideal hub for the business tourists. Recreation Facilities in Kwality Inns Ranchi After a hectic schedule, guests can go for some recreation facilities like: Travel Desk Playground Sight Seeing Tours around the city
Total Rooms: 36
Room Facility: Attached Bath Fan Hot and Cold Water Room Service Fan Hot and Cold Water Direct dialing facilities Shower All rooms and suites have well appointed en-suite bathrooms, and are equipped with colour televisions, direct dial telephones and other facilities. In addition our spacious suites offer our guests a comfortable sitting area
Room Service: 24 hrs
Other Facility: Beauty Parlor Doctor On Call Credit Cards Accepted Rooms Cleaned Everyday Fax Fire Safety Free Newspaper Game Room Internet Facilities Jogging Laundry Facilities Lift
Others: Live Entertainment Money Changer No pets allowed Non Smoking room Shopping Arcade Parking Facilities Partially A/C Photocopy Service Power Back-Up Safe Deposit Secretarial Services
Location Advantage: Near Yogada Ashram
Access Airport: 3 kms. from Birsa Munda Airport;
Access Rail: 0.3 kms