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St. Francisville


  • General Information

    Other Name: -, District: Louisiana, State: South, United States of America
    Area: 1.8 sq mi
    Languages Spoken: English
    Long Distance Code: -
    Importance: -
    Best Time to Visit: - to - and -
    International Access: -
  • Description

    St. Francisville is a town in and the parish seat of West Feliciana Parish, Louisiana, United States.
  • Location

  • Climate

The Greek Revival-style Greenwood Plantation in West Feliciana Parish was built by William Ruffin Barrow. It was operated as a 3,000-acre cotton plantation and survived the Civil War and post-war economic recession only to burn in 1960.
At its largest, Rosedown Plantation comprised approximately 3,455 acres, the majority of which was planted in cotton. Currently, the main house, historic European-inspired formal gardens, 13 historic buildings, and 310 remaining acres of Rosedown Plantation are preserved as a state historic site. State Parks staff and volunteers work to conserve and maintain the site and conduct tours and programs to illustrate plantation life in the 1800s.
Owned by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Tunica Hills Wildlife Management Area is composed of two separate tracts lying northwest of St. Francisville. Tunica Hills over 5,500 acres features hardwoods, wildlife, rugged hills, bluffs and ravines. Hunting, trapping, birdwatching, hiking, horseback riding, bike riding, sightseeing, photography, and scientific study are just some of the activities to enjoy while in the area.