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Gulf Shores


  • General Information

    Other Name: -, District: Alabama, State: South, United States of America
    Area: 23 sq mi
    Languages Spoken: English
    Long Distance Code: -
    Importance: -
    Best Time to Visit: - to - and -
    International Access: -
  • Description

    It is a coastal city in Baldwin County, Alabama, United States.It has historical sights for visitors to explore and plenty of recreational opportunities including boating, fishing, swimming.
  • Location

  • Climate

    Mild climate
Bon Secour has become a wildlife habitat for migratory birds, nesting sea turtles and the endangered Alabama beach mouse. Over 370 species of birds have been recorded during the migratory season.
It is most famous for its role in the Battle of Mobile Bay during the Civil War.
Located on 16 acres, this park features over 250 exotic animals in natural looking habitats. The park has a paved path that takes visitors through the exhibits and onto an elevated observation deck. Visitors can see tropical birds, lions, tigers, bears and reptiles among other animals.