Other Name: -, District: Virginia, State: South, United States of America Area: 10.5 sq mi Languages Spoken: English Long Distance Code: - Importance: - Best Time to Visit: April to September and Early Jan International Access: -
Fredericksburg is an independent city in the Commonwealth of Virginia.Today Fredericksburg is the commercial hub of a rapidly growing region in north central Virginia.Historic buildings and museums include the late 18th century Rising Sun Tavern, Hugh Mercer apothecary shop, and the James Monroe law office museum.
It is located 50 miles south of Washington, D.C., and 58 miles north of Richmond.
Built along the Rappahannock River by Colonel William Dangerfield,this plantation was modest sized by the standards of the time,yet still very prosperous.A variety of fun activities for children,such as a corn maze and a pumpkin patch,are scheduled during the year.
Virginia`s largest indoor and outdoor entertainment facility,this amusement venue offers fun for the whole family with features including the only indoor carousel in Fredericksburg,a fun maze,video arcade, rock climbing,laser tag,airplane and roller coaster simulators, miniature golf,and batting cages.
Standing on the site of the original White Oak School which burned and was rebuilt in 1912 as a one-room schoolhouse, this museum contains a unique and extensive collection of Union and Confederate artifacts from actual Civil War battle sites and encampments around the Fredericksburg area.