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  • General Information

    Other Name: -, District: Utah, State: West, United States of America
    Area: 3.6 sq mi
    Languages Spoken: English
    Long Distance Code: -
    Importance: Moab is famous for its abundance of great recreational opportunities.
    Best Time to Visit: - to - and -
    International Access: -
  • Description

    Moab is a city in Grand County, in eastern Utah, in the western United States. Moab hosts a large number of tourists every year, mostly visitors of the Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, which are located close by. The town is also a popular base for mountain bikers who come to ride the extensive network of trails including the famed Slickrock Trail, and off-roaders who come for the annual Moab Jeep Safari.
  • Location

    It is 374 km southeast of Salt Lake City.
  • Climate

The stunning eroded landscapes of Arches and Canyonlands National Park, professional exhibits at the Dinosaur Museum, over millions of acres of mountain biking and many more activities and sites.
Dead Horse Point State Park towers 2,000 feet above the Colorado River, providing a breathtaking view of Canyonlands sculptured pinnacles and buttes.