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The Air Conditioned City

  • General Information

    Other Name: -, District: Minnesota, State: Mid West, United States of America
    Area: 87.3 sq mi
    Languages Spoken: English
    Long Distance Code: -
    Importance: -
    Best Time to Visit: - to - and -
    International Access: -
  • Description

    Duluth is a port city in the U.S. state of Minnesota.With its enviable location on the tip of Lake Superior, Duluth is one of the state`s largest metropolitan areas, aside from the Twin Cities.Duluth offers visitors a true escape from the stresses of everyday life and an opportunity to enjoy nature.As a tourist destination for the Midwest, Duluth features America`s only all-freshwater aquarium, the Great Lakes Aquarium, the Aerial Lift Bridge which spans the short canal into Dulut`s harbor.
  • Location

    150 miles north of Minneapolis and St Paul
  • Climate

    Long, cold winters and cool summers.
The Glensheen Estate is Duluth`s premier historic home, which is located on more than seven acres and features beautifully landscaped gardens. The home, in the Jacobean style, is open for tours and offers 39 rooms that are filled with the original furnishings. This house is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and has been seen on the Arts and Entertainment Network`s American Castles program.
This zoo is 16 acres of naturalistic exhibits, with some of the featured animals including polar bears, Siberian tigers, and Angolan colobus monkeys. A variety of endangered and threatened animals, including snow leopards, black-footed ferrets, peregrine falcons, and bald eagles, are also featured.
This floating museum is permanently docked along the Duluth waterfront and features many exhibits and artifacts that document the ship`s working life as the flagship of the USS Great Lakes Fleet, the Silver Stack. There is plenty to see, including the huge engine and the antique interior fittings.