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The place where it rains the most.

  • General Information

    District: East Khasi Hills, State: Meghalaya, India
    Area: 0
    Languages Spoken: Local dialects and English
    Long Distance Code: +91-364
    Importance: Place receiving highest amount of rainfall annually in the world
    Best Time to Visit: October to May and June and July to see the skies falling down.
  • Description

    The Khasi hills near the capital of Shillong have earned the name of the wettest place on the earth. The name of the tiny little town is Cherrapunji. Probably only place in India where there is only one season; Monsoon. The rains never stop as they pour during the peak monsoons and drizzle round the year. Here the rainfall can be measured in feet! The sky is full of clouds, sometimes dark sometimes light, but it is a rare sight that the sky is without clouds. Perched high at 4500 feet above the sea level, the town of Cherrapunji offers a stunning location. On a clear day it offers a commanding view of the beautiful surroundings and the scenery as far as Bangladesh can be seen from here. <br />Cherrapunji has much more to offer than to the name of the wettest place in the Guinness book of World records. It is the place for wonderful Orchids and the best variety of oranges and pineapples. The mighty waterfalls those gush down are ranked the in the highest of the waterfalls on the earth. The Nokhalikai waterfalls are supposed to be the fourth highest in the world. <br />The Khasi hills on which the town of Cherrapunji is situated on, is an ancient habitat of the Khasi tribe. It has a fascinating labyrinth of underground passages beneath age-old caves- carved out of limestone. The Khasi monoliths which dot the landscape give a glimpse of the ancient civilization of the hilly region. The title of the wettest place on the earth however has been recently taken away by another small town nearby called as the Mawsynram. Although Cherrapunji has lost its top wettest place on the earth, slot, it retains its pristine beauty and charming nature with or without the rains.