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Vibrant City

  • General Information

    Other Name: -, , State: Northern Territories, AUSTRALIA
    Area: 112.01 km²
    Languages Spoken: Officially English
    Long Distance Code: +61
    Importance: -
    Best Time to Visit: May to October and -
    International Access: -
  • Description

    Darwin is the capital city of the Northern Territory, Australia. Situated on the Timor Sea, Darwin has a population of 114,368, making it by far the largest and most populated city in the sparsely peopled Northern Territory, but the least populous of all Australia's capital cities. It is the smallest and most northerly of the Australian capital cities, and acts as the Top End's regional centre.The city has many kilometres of wide, unpolluted beaches, including the Casuarina Beach and well renowned Mindil Beach, home of the Mindil Beach markets. Over time Darwin has grown from a pioneer outpost and small port into one of Australia's most modern and multicultural cities.Tourism is one of Darwin's largest industries. Tourism is a major industry and employment sector for the Northern Territory. In 2005/06, 1.38 million people visited the Northern Territory. They stayed for 9.2 million nights and spent over $1.5 billion.The tourism industry directly employed 8,391 Territorians in June 2006 and when indirect employment is included, tourism typically accounts for more than 14,000 jobs across the Territory.Darwin is a hub for tours to Kakadu National Park, Litchfield National Park and Katherine Gorge.
  • Location

    2603 km (1,617 mi) from Adelaide. 2640 km (1,640 mi) from Perth.
  • Climate

FISH FEEDING - Voted the most popular attractions in tourism surveys A must for any visitor to Darwin. When the tides are high, hundreds of fish come to the shore's edge in this pretty gully to be fed by hand. Species include mullet, catfish, milkfish, bream and barramundi. Feeding is for a few hours daily and the most favourable times are generally in the mornings.
Originally built in 1902, rebuilt after Cyclone Tracy.
Crocodylus Park is the best place in Australia to come face to face with the world's largest reptiles. With 30 years of experience in crocodile research and conservation, the park plays host to over a thousand crocodiles from foot long hatchlings to massive adults measuring 16 feet and weighing half a ton! Other wildlife includes: primates, emus, cassowaries, ostriches, turtles, iguanas and a white buffalo. Recent attractions at the park are the lions, tiger, and leopards.
A $30-million complex offering gambling, luxury accommodation, restaurants, sporting and convention facilities.
The deckchair cinema in the city is a unique outdoor cinema under the stars. The cinema overlooks Darwin harbor with the lights from anchored and passing ships creating a stunning backdrop. Come early and enjoy an evening sunset picnic before relaxing back with a bottle or glass or wine or a snack from their kiosk. The box office and kiosk open at 6.30pm every night. There are 250 deckchairs as well as about 100 straight-backed seats.
The Darwin Ski Club is one of the NT's oldest and particularly beautiful sports clubs. Members and bona fide guests are invited to enjoy meals from the kitchen (1200-2100) and the bar open from 1200 every day! Enjoy a cold drink from our Bali Bar whilst sitting on our vast lawns right on the beach and have a dip in the pool to cool off on those hot days. Also, when we get rain - you get happy hour - the club is a great venue all year round!
Built in 1882-83, closed in 1979 and opened in 1982 as a museum.
Apart from gaol displays, there is a Cyclone Tracy display

Indo Pacific began in 1971. as a privately funded project to collect and establish onshore marine ecosystems highlighting the unique features of the coral reefs which abound in Darwin waters. Very little was known of this underwater "wildlife" at that time, or that it even existed.
Indo Pacific Marine is the longest established man made visitor facility in the Northern Territory, and has received industry recognition for excellence over many years.
The exhibition is unique in the fact that because this is a land based living marine centre where each system is totally self supporting
- No feeding, filtration or water changing is carried out.
- Visitors, regardless of their age, health or financial constraints, are able to experience, learn and marvel under expert guidance and in full safety, the beauty of the marine environment
Australia's largest tropical orchid farm has over 300,000 blooms covering two hectares. An air-conditioned bus tours the rows of stunning orchids while the farm's owner gives a running commentary.
The Darwin Ski Club is one of the NT's oldest and particularly beautiful sports clubs. Members and bona fide guests are invited to enjoy meals from the kitchen (1200-2100) and the bar open from 1200 every day! Enjoy a cold drink from our Bali Bar whilst sitting on our vast lawns right on the beach and have a dip in the pool to cool off on those hot days. Also, when we get rain - you get happy hour - the club is a great venue all year round!
Native Territory flora and fauna set in their natural environments on 4oo hectares of natural bushland. Great for families and smaller children with the shuttle service.